Behind Quantum X stands an able team of talents from a variety of areas: concept, formation/design, organisation and implementation. Our structure demands a great deal of personal responsibility from the individual and a discerning perception of communication. This is based less on idealism than much more on pragmatism – a cooperation of committed individualists is, above all, sensible economically, for every new task demands its own creative and individual solution.
- Martin Reiss keyboard_arrow_right
- Silke Maurer keyboard_arrow_right
- Vicky Goldhammer keyboard_arrow_right
- Valeria Wensel keyboard_arrow_right
- Layla Restin keyboard_arrow_right
- Sarah Luczynski keyboard_arrow_right
- Farida Guellati keyboard_arrow_right
- Lilly keyboard_arrow_right
- Katja Beck keyboard_arrow_right
- Henriette keyboard_arrow_right
- Frank Mauer keyboard_arrow_right
- Gabriel Schmidt keyboard_arrow_right
It is not necessary to constantly reinvent the wheel. The best solutions already exist.
New forms grow out of the old. Basic structures and basic functions are retained and incorporated into a new dimension. The synthesis is the assembly, the connection of individual pieces into a higher whole. This is how something novel comes about with a high degree of trust in advance.
Consequently, examining the tried and trusted has enormous potential. This is useful, both aesthetically and substantively. So that we look again.
We work where we live: in the country surrounded by vineyards.
A farm from the 18th century, old masonry reinterpreted – Old existing elements meaningfully translated into the here and now. An exciting mixture of memory and surprise.
We are happier and more productive when our lifestyle and our working manner are in harmony. This makes sense – and is, in addition, highly motivational! Thus, we work with high commitment and probably much too much. Regardless of whether in the office, home office or on the road.
This means the break-up of the traditional office world. But, in the end, it also serves to avoid the consequent organisational problems, whether professional or private.
Not only our customers and ourselves profit from these structures, but sometimes our families as well.